Error Codes¶
enum mocca::ErrorCode¶
Error codes in case of assertion failure or exception.
Error Categories:
1-9: Type Errors
10-19: Invalid operations
20-29: Dimensions/Length Errors
30-39: Sparse Matrix Errors
40-49: Input/Output Errors
50-59: Monte Carlo Errors
70-79: SIMD Errors
90: Out of Bounds
enumerator kSuccess¶
enumerator kNonNumericType¶
“Error 1: Only numeric types are supported!”
enumerator kNonIntegerType¶
“Error 2: Only integral types are supported!”
enumerator kNonFloatingType¶
“Error 3: Only floating point types are supported!”
enumerator kNonRealType¶
“Error 4: Only real numerical types are supported!”
enumerator kNonComplexType¶
“Error 5: Only complex numerical types are supported!”
enumerator kMismatchTypes¶
“Error 6: A expression cannot contain objects with different types!”
enumerator kMatOnlyMethod¶
“Error 10: This operation is only valid for matrices”
enumerator kVecOnlyMethod¶
“Error 11: This operation is only valid for vectors!”
enumerator kNonSquareMat¶
“Error 12: This operation is only valid for square matrices!”
enumerator kDenseOnly¶
“Error 13: This operation is only valid for dense types!”
enumerator kSparseOnly¶
“Error 14: This operation is only valid for sparse types!”
enumerator kInvalidParam¶
“Error 15: Invalid operation parameters!”
enumerator kNoAbstractExpr¶
“Error 16: This operation can not be used with expressions!”
enumerator kHaveAliasing¶
“Error 17: Aliasing detected when evaluating the expression!”
enumerator kInvalidLayout¶
“Error 18: This sparse layout is not support for this operation!”
enumerator kMismatchLayout¶
“Error 19: Mismatch type layout!”
enumerator kMismatchDim¶
“Error 20: Mismatch dimensions between operands!”
enumerator kInvalidSize¶
“Error 21: Invalid size!”
enumerator kIteratorRange¶
“Error 22: Iterator range is greater than the matrix dimensions!”
enumerator kReshapeError¶
“Error 23: Invalid reshape dimensions!”
enumerator kAssignMatToVec¶
“Error 25: Trying to assign a matrix to a vector!”
enumerator kDenseToSparse¶
“Error 26: Trying to assign a dense type to a sparse type!”
enumerator kInvalidBroadcast¶
“Error 29: The operands could not be broadcasted together!”
enumerator kIncorrectCSRInit¶
“Error 30: The CSRMatrix was not initialized correctly!”
enumerator kTripletOutOfBounds¶
“Error 31: The triplet array contains out-of-bounds indexes”
enumerator kFileReadErr¶
“Error 40: Cannot read from file!”
enumerator kFileWriteErr¶
“Error 41: Cannot write to file!”
enumerator kEmptyFile¶
“Error 42: The file is empty!”
enumerator kMTXWrongFmt¶
“Error 43: Wrong MTX file format!”
enumerator kMTXUnsupported¶
“Error 44: Unsupported MTX matrix type!”
enumerator kMTXDatatype¶
“Error 45: Unsupported MTX datatype!”,
enumerator kTXTWrongHead¶
“Error 46: Wrong TXT file header!”
enumerator kMaxTermsExceeded¶
“Error 50: The maximum number of terms in the Neumann exceeded!”
enumerator kOutOfBounds¶
“Error 90: The matrix index is out of bounds!”
enumerator kUnsupportedOp¶
“Error 99: Invalid operation!”