template<typename ElemType, internal::TypeLayout Layout>
class Vector : public mocca::Array<ElemType>, public mocca::MatrixBase<Vector<ElemType, Layout>>¶ One of the basic types within MOCCA. The Vector class represents either a column vector (i.e., the elements are arranged as one column) or a row vector (i.e., the elements are arranged as one row) in Linear Algebra.
Storage-wise, both row and column vector are stored as a plain contiguous Array. For convenience, the row vector can be referred as
and column vector, as justVector
.See Vector in Basic Datatypes for more information.
Template Parameters:
- Numeric type of the elements in the vector (i.e., any integral, floating-point orstd::complex
- EitherkRowMajor
(row vector) orkColMajor
(column vector).
Vector(index_t size)¶
Creates a Vector and fill_sorted_by_col with zeros.
Complexity: Constant
- Parameters:
size – [in] vector size
Vector(index_t size, ElemType val)¶
Creates a Vector and then fill it with
.Complexity: Linear in size
- Parameters:
size – [in] vector size
val – [in] value to initialize the vector with
Vector(std::initializer_list<ElemType> ilist)¶
Creates a Vector from an initializer list.
Complexity: Linear in
size- Parameters:
ilist – [in] initializer list to use as data source
template<typename T, internal::TypeLayout L>
Vector(const Vector<T, L> &other)¶ Copy Constructor. Creates a Vector and then copy the content from
Vector.Complexity: Linear in
- Parameters:
other – [in] another Vector to use as data source
Vector(const Vector &other)¶
Copy Constructor. Creates a Vector and then copy the content from
Vector.Complexity: Linear in
- Parameters:
other – [in] another Vector to use as data source
Vector(Vector &&other) noexcept¶
Move Constructor. Creates a Vector and then move the content from
Vector, following the move semantics (i.e., the data is moved fromother
to this container).other
is valid but left in a unspecified state afterwards.Complexity: Constant
- Parameters:
other – [in] another Vector to use as data source
template<typename InIter, internal::require_input_iterator<InIter> = true>
Vector(InIter first, InIter last)¶ Creates a Vector from range [
[.Complexity: Linear in distance between first and last
- Parameters:
first – [in] iterator to the first element in the range
last – [in] iterator to the “past-the-end” element in the range
template<typename E>
Vector(const MatrixBase<E> &expr)¶ Creates a Vector from a vector expression.
Complexity: Linear in
(Typical)- Parameters:
expr – [in] a vector expressionW
- Throws:
std::length_error – if ``expr`` have more than one dimension
virtual ~Vector() = default¶
Default destructor.
template<typename T, internal::TypeLayout L>
Vector &operator=(const Vector<T, L> &other)¶ Copy Assignment Operator. Replaces Vector’s content with a copy of the contents of
Vector. This routine will automatically reallocate the container if needed.Complexity: Linear in
- Parameters:
other – [in] another Vector to use as data source
- Returns:
Vector &operator=(const Vector &other)¶
Copy Assignment Operator. Replaces Vector’s content with a copy of the contents of
Vector. This routine will automatically reallocate the container if needed.Complexity: Linear in
- Parameters:
other – [in] another Vector to use as data source
- Returns:
Vector &operator=(Vector &&other) noexcept¶
Move Assignment Operator. Replaces Vector’s content with a the contents of
Vector, following the move semantics (i.e., the data is moved fromother
to this container).other
is valid but left in a unspecified state afterwards.Complexity: Constant
- Parameters:
other – [in] another vector to use as data source
- Returns:
Vector &operator=(std::initializer_list<ElemType> ilist)¶
Copy Assignment Operator. Replaces Vector’s content with the values defined in the initializer list. This routine automatically resizes the Vector to match the
.Complexity: Linear in
size- Parameters:
ilist – [in] initializer list to use as data source
- Returns:
template<typename E>
Vector &operator=(const MatrixBase<E> &expr)¶ Evaluates an expression and assign the results to the Vector. This routine automatically resizes the Vector to match the expression size. The resizing can be disabled by setting
.Complexity: Linear in
(Typical)- Parameters:
expr – [in] a vector expression
- Returns:
Element Access
Capacity and Modifiers
constexpr index_t rows() const noexcept¶
Complexity: Constant
- Returns:
the number of rows in the Vector
constexpr index_t cols() const noexcept¶
Complexity: Constant
- Returns:
the number of columns in the Vector
constexpr index_t size() const noexcept¶
Complexity: Constant
- Returns:
the number of entries in the Vector
void resize(index_t new_size)¶
Resizes the container to
. This routine will clear the previous content from the vector and reallocate the container if needed.Replaces Array::resize().
Complexity: Constant
- Parameters:
new_size – [in] new size of the container
- Throws:
std::length_error – if `new_size < 0`
void resize(index_t new_size, ElemType val)¶
Resizes the container to
and then set all elements toval
. This routine will clear the previous content from the vector and reallocate the container if needed.Replaces Array::resize().
Complexity: Constant
- Parameters:
new_size – [in] new size of the container
- Throws:
std::length_error – if `new_size < 0`
void safe_resize(index_t new_size)¶
Resizes the container to
. This routines preserves the original content of the Vector.Replaces Array::resize().
Complexity: Linear in
- Parameters:
new_size – [in] new size of the container
- Throws:
std::length_error – if `new_size < 0`
void safe_resize(index_t new_size, ElemType val)¶
Resizes the container to
and then set all new elements toval
. This routines preserves the original content of the Vector.Replaces Array::resize().
Complexity: Linear in
- Parameters:
new_size – [in] new size of the container
- Throws:
std::length_error – if `new_size < 0`
void reshape(index_t size)¶
Reshape the Vector without changing its content.
The new shape of the vector must not exceed the allocated space.
- Parameters:
size – [in] new size
- Throws:
std::length_error – if the ``size`` is less than 1 or ``size > capacity()``. Complexity: Constant
template<typename T, internal::TypeLayout L>
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const Vector<T, L> &vec)¶ Stream Operator. Writes the content of the Vector on a given stream.
Complexity: Linear in
- Parameters:
stream – [in] output stream (e.g.,
)expr – [in] CSRMatrix
- Returns: