Linear Solvers

Intel MKL Pardiso


doxygenclass: Cannot find class “mocca::mkl::MatrixTypes” in doxygen xml output for project “mocca” from directory: doxygen/xml/

template<typename T>
class PardisoSolver : public mocca::internal::Solver<PardisoSolver<T>>

A sparse direct factorization and solver from the Intel MKL PARDISO library.

This class solve a sparse linear system \( \mathbb{A} \vec{x} = \vec{b}\) via direct LLT (symmetric positive definite), LDLT (symmetric undefinite), QLUT (structurally symmetric) or QLUR (asymmetric) factorization using the Intel MKL PARDISO library. See for more information.


This solver is only available when using the Intel MKL (i.e., MOCCA_BLAS=MKL). Not all parameter options are supported.


This solver only supports CSRMatrix. The template parameter T corresponds to the element type of the matrix.

Public Functions

inline PardisoSolver()

Default constructor. Initialize the parameters of the solver to their default values.

inline PardisoSolver(CSRMatrix<T> &mat, param_t type)

Constructs a new solver and sets the coefficient matrix. Immediately after, this routine will analyze and factorize the matrix.

  • mat[in] coefficient matrix

  • type[in] type of coefficient matrix. See mkl::MatrixType for all the options.

inline virtual ~PardisoSolver()

Destructor. Free the internal allocated resources.

inline std::array<param_t, 64> &param()

a reference to the parameters of the solver.

inline index_t rows() const

the number of rows of the underlying matrix

inline index_t cols() const

the number of columns of the underlying matrix

inline void set_matrix(CSRMatrix<T> &mat, param_t type)

Sets the coefficient matrix and then right after analyzes and factorizes the matrix.

  • mat[in] coefficient matrix

  • type[in] type of coefficient matrix. See mkl::MatrixType for all the options.

template<internal::TypeLayout L>
inline evaluator<L> solve(CSRMatrix<T> &A, param_t type, const Vector<T, L> &b)

Solve the sparse linear system \( \mathbb{A} \vec{x} = \vec{b}\).

  • A[in] coefficient matrix

  • type[in] type of coefficient matrix. See mkl::MatrixType for all the options.

  • b[in] right hand side

template<internal::TypeLayout L>
inline evaluator<L> solve(const Vector<T, L> &b)

Solve the sparse linear system \( \mathbb{A} \vec{x} = \vec{b}\).


You must first set the coefficient matrix before calling this method using either the constructor or the set_matrix() method.


b[in] right hand side

inline void free()

Free all the internal resources allocated by the solver.