Continuous-Time Random Walk¶
Base Class¶
doxygenclass: Cannot find class “mocca::CTRWbase” in doxygen xml output for project “mocca” from directory: doxygen/xml/
Solver (Full)¶
template<typename MatType, int Flags, typename RandomEngine>
class CTRW : public mocca::internal::Solver<CTRW<MatType, Flags, RandomEngine>>, public mocca::CTRWBase<MatType, Flags, RandomEngine>¶ A solver based on continuous-time random walks for computing the matrix exponential \( \exp(\mathbf{A}t) \) and Mittag-Leffler function \( ML_{\alpha}(t^\alpha \mathbf{A}) \) with \( 0 < \alpha \leq 1 \), which is is defined as the following series
\[ ML_\alpha(\mathbf{A}) = \sum_{k = 0}^{\infty}{\frac{\mathbf{A}^k}{\Gamma(\alpha z + 1)}} \]For \(\alpha = 0\), the Mittag-Leffler function is reduced to the exponential function.
After initializing the solver with the desired parameters and setting the input matrix, call
to calculate the matrix exponential and Mittag-Leffler function, respectively.See the following papers for more information:
[1] J. A. Acebrón, ‘A Monte Carlo method for computing the action of a matrix exponential on a vector’, arXiv:1904.12759 [cs, math], Jun. 2019, [Online]. Available:
[2] J. A. Acebrón, J. R. Herrero, and J. Monteiro, ‘A highly parallel algorithm for computing the action of a matrix exponential on a vector based on a multilevel Monte Carlo method’, arXiv:1904.12754 [cs, math], Jul. 2019, [Online]. Available:
Template Parameters:
- Additional flags for the solver. See MonteCarloFlags for more information.RandomEngine
- Type of the Random Number Generator
The input matrix must not contain zeroes in the diagonal, or this method will fail.
Public Functions
inline CTRW(CTRWOptions param = CTRWOptions())¶
Initialize the CTRW solver with
parameters. Complexity: Constant- Parameters:
param – [in] parameters of the solver (see CTRWOptions for all available param)
inline CTRW(MatType &A, CTRWOptions param = CTRWOptions())¶
Initialize the CTRW solver with
parameters and input matrixA
for further computing the matrix exponential or Mittag-Leffler function.Complexity: Constant
- Parameters:
A – [in] input matrix
param – [in] parameters of the solver (see CTRWOptions for all available options)
inline expm_evaluator expm(value_type time)¶
Calculates the matrix exponential.
- Parameters:
time – [in] time parameter
inline ml_evaluator mittag_leffler(value_type alpha, value_type time)¶
Calculates the Mittag-Leffler function.
- Parameters:
alpha – [in] parameter alpha of the Mittag-Leffler function
time – [in] time parameter
Solver (Action)¶
template<typename MatType, SamplingType Sampling, int Flags, typename RandomEngine>
class CTRWAction : public mocca::internal::Solver<CTRWAction<MatType, Sampling, Flags, RandomEngine>>, public mocca::CTRWBase<MatType, Flags, RandomEngine>¶ A solver based on continuous-time random walks for computing the action of the matrix exponential \( \exp(\mathbf{A}t) \) and Mittag-Leffler function \( ML_{\alpha}(t^\alpha \mathbf{A}) \) over a vector. In mathematical terms, for a vector \(\vec{v}\) and \(t > 0\), this solver calculates
\[\vec{x} = \exp(\mathbf{A}t)\ \vec{v}\]or
\[ \vec{x} = ML_{\alpha}(t^\alpha \mathbf{A})\ \vec{v} \text{ for } 0 < \alpha \leq 1 \]where
\[ ML_\alpha(\mathbf{A}) = \sum_{k = 0}^{\infty}{\frac{\mathbf{A}^k}{\Gamma(\alpha z + 1)}} \]For \(\alpha = 0\), the Mittag-Leffler function is equal to the exponential function.
There are two ways to compute the random walks: forward (i.e., \( 0 \rightarrow t \)) or backward in time (i.e., \( t \rightarrow 0 \)). Backward sampling is usually more accurate if
have only a few entries (preferentially, stored as a SparseVector) or contains some entries that have much larger value than the others. However, this requires that the matrixA
be transposed beforehand (this will be done automatically by the solver) and force the solver to calculate the entire solution (in this case,first_row
do nothing). Forward sampling, on the other hand, allows the computation of just a couple of entries in the solution vector.After initializing the solver with the desired parameters and setting the input matrix, call
to calculate the action of the matrix exponential and Mittag-Leffler function over the target vector, respectively.See the following papers for more information:
[1] J. A. Acebrón, ‘A Monte Carlo method for computing the action of a matrix exponential on a vector’, arXiv:1904.12759 [cs, math], Jun. 2019, [Online]. Available:
[2] J. A. Acebrón, J. R. Herrero, and J. Monteiro, ‘A highly parallel algorithm for computing the action of a matrix exponential on a vector based on a multilevel Monte Carlo method’, arXiv:1904.12754 [cs, math], Jul. 2019, [Online]. Available:
Template Parameters:
- EitherkBackwardSampling
- Additional flags for the solver. See MonteCarloFlags for more information.RandomEngine
- Type of the Random Number Generator
The input matrix must not contain zeroes in the diagonal, or this method will fail.
Public Functions
inline CTRWAction(CTRWOptions param = CTRWOptions())¶
Initialize the CTRWAction solver with
parameters.Complexity: Constant
- Parameters:
param – [in] parameters of the solver (see CTRWOptions for all available options)
inline CTRWAction(MatType &A, MatrixStructure symmetry = kGeneric, CTRWOptions param = CTRWOptions())¶
Initialize the CTRWAction solver with
parameters and input matrixA
for further computing the action of the matrix exponential or Mittag-Leffler over a vector. IfkBackwardSampling
was selected, this will transpose the matrixA
.Complexity: Linear in
ifType == kBackwardSampling
. Constant, otherwise.- Parameters:
A – [in] input matrix
param – [in] parameters of the solver (see CTRWOptions for all available options)
virtual ~CTRWAction() = default¶
Default Destructor.
inline void set_matrix(MatType &A, MatrixStructure symmetry = kGeneric)¶
Initialize the CTRWAction solver with the matrix
for further computing the action of the matrix exponential or Mittag-Leffler over a vector. IfkBackwardSampling
was selected, this will transpose the matrixA
.Complexity: Linear in
ifType == kBackwardSampling
. Constant, otherwise.- Parameters:
A – [in] input matrix
inline expm_evaluator<Vector<value_type>> expm(value_type time, Vector<value_type> &v)¶
Calculates the action of the matrix exponential over the vector.
- Parameters:
time – [in] time parameter
v – [in] input vector
- Returns:
an abstract object representing the action of \( \exp(\mathbf{A}t) \) over the vector
inline ml_evaluator<Vector<value_type>> mittag_leffler(value_type alpha, value_type time, Vector<value_type> &v)¶
Calculates the action of the Mittag-Leffler function over the vector.
- Parameters:
alpha – [in] alpha of the Mittag-Leffler function
time – [in] time parameter
(default: 1)v – [in] vector
- Returns:
an abstract object representing the action of \( ML_{\alpha}(t^\alpha \mathbf{A}) \) over the vector